Plan. Conserve. Thrive.
Like many of our neighbors, New Mexico has a challenge ahead. But our desert climate is nothing new. Over our history, we have and will continue finding ways to adapt and sustain in the face of water shortages. Now is the time to put our knowledge into action, reducing use and planning ahead. It is a big task — and one that requires all of us.

Discussion Draft of the Rule and Guidelines.
The Discussion Draft of the Rule and Guidelines proposes the framework for regional water planning, including governance structures, public welfare considerations, and new regional water planning boundaries.
Discussion Draft Rule
Discussion Draft Guidelines
Discussion Draft Hydro-Administrative Boundaries
Discussion Draft Boundary StoryMap
NMISC has reopened our discussion draft until April 30, 2025 to continue to gather public input prior to initiating formal rule promulgation. You can submit new or additional comments on the Discussion Draft Rule via online survey anytime before the April 30th deadline.
Discussion Draft Survey
10 - 11
New Mexico Water Workshop – American Water Works Association
Thursday, Hotel Albuquerque
15 - 17
NMRWA 47th Annual Conference – New Mexico Rural Water Association
Tuesday, Isleta Resort & Casino
No event found!
What we’ve done so far:
From April through August 2024 we heard from you at statewide and online Open Houses. 710 New Mexicans attended in-person open houses across New Mexico's 16 water regions and over 1000 people shared their voices online.
We have published the Engagement Report on what we heard, taking us one step closer to New Mexico’s roadmap for our water future.
Read it now!
New Mexico Water Stories:

How Data Can Inspire Action: A Closer Look at the Water Use by Categories Report
How Data Can Inspire Action: A Closer Look at the Water Use by Categories Report A wise water leader once…

From ‘Just a Bill’ to a Law, Fully Enacted
From ‘Just a Bill’ to a Law, Fully Enacted Here’s What’s Next in New Mexico’s Regional Water Planning Process We…

2025: A Turning Point in New Mexico’s Water?
2025: A Turning Point in New Mexico’s Water? In the face of frequent droughts and wildfires, extreme weather, and predictions…

Water’s Route 66… and an Aquifer the Size of Lake Superior?
Water’s Route 66… and an Aquifer the Size of Lake Superior? Separating Myth from Reality in Albuquerque’s Water System If…

New Mexico: Planning and Taking Action
New Mexico: Planning and Taking Action Discovering Shared Water Values at Open Houses Across New Mexico When it comes to…

The Law of The River: Aaron Chavez and the Future of Water in Northwest New Mexico
The Law of The River: Aaron Chavez and the Future of Water in Northwest New Mexico Some days, a peek…